31 dicembre 2013
30 dicembre 2013
The old Church reconverted
Adorabile pino di Natale! essenziale, speciale!

28 dicembre 2013
Please seat, this chair is for you!
English version
This past Christmas, you expressed one wish, that is chatting with ...
who would you seat on this chair? A famous person you would never have the chance to chat with? A dear friend you cannot see that often? a relative? the beloved writer, a scientist, a big name of the past? Or the person you never understood completely?
One person only, think about it carefully, this is a gift, you shoudn't spoil it.
Me personally, I would love to chat with my granny Ofelia.
I loved my granny, she was the best-beloved one, the one who used to come see me whenever I was ill, the one who made me drink her corrected coffee, who let me smoke her cigarette...
Dear nonna, I would love to see you sitting there, I would tell what I'm up to, I would apologize for not leaving you a flower so often, I would tell you about the kids, you would look at me with your green eyes that understood it all. Nonna, please seat, I make a coffee then can talk...
This past Christmas, you expressed one wish, that is chatting with ...
who would you seat on this chair? A famous person you would never have the chance to chat with? A dear friend you cannot see that often? a relative? the beloved writer, a scientist, a big name of the past? Or the person you never understood completely?
One person only, think about it carefully, this is a gift, you shoudn't spoil it.
Me personally, I would love to chat with my granny Ofelia.
I loved my granny, she was the best-beloved one, the one who used to come see me whenever I was ill, the one who made me drink her corrected coffee, who let me smoke her cigarette...
Dear nonna, I would love to see you sitting there, I would tell what I'm up to, I would apologize for not leaving you a flower so often, I would tell you about the kids, you would look at me with your green eyes that understood it all. Nonna, please seat, I make a coffee then can talk...

shabby chic
23 dicembre 2013
Pottery Barn: Chrismas ideas for the little ones!
English Version
I love thinking about the kids rooms at Christmas time, it's like feeling their excitement, I do well remember my kids' excitement and I still rememeber mine when I was a kid. This is the kind of decorations I love, because Christmas should be pure magic for them at least, it should be warmth it should be a happy, joyful moment. These are Pottery Barn's proposals I loved most for Christmas children rooms. Hope you enjoy!
Merry Christmas dear friends

20 dicembre 2013
Style is the word...
Ho sempre pensato che se si deve vivere in un appartamento, beh dev' essere un signor appartamento, coi suoi spazi, con un ampio salone, con tante finestre e possibilmente più di un balcone.. quello che state per vedere è il mio ideale di appartamento, in palazzo d'epoca,
coi pavimenti originali e tanti dettagli che parlano della sua storia, come le colonne in ferro battuto, gli stucchi d'inizio secolo, i doppi balconi
coi pavimenti originali e tanti dettagli che parlano della sua storia, come le colonne in ferro battuto, gli stucchi d'inizio secolo, i doppi balconi
Amo ogni dettaglio di questa casa
e adoro le porte a vetri Liberty, come queste che lasciano intravvedere altre stanze, e che stanze...
Mi piace la boiserie chiara a mezz'altezza,
mi piace la libreria che prende l'intera parete
per non parlare dello studiolo sul balcone ...
English Version:
My personal opinion is that if you have to live in an apartment, then it should be a large one, with the right spaces, a wide hall/living room, lots of windows and possibly more than a balcony.... the one you're about to see is my ideal apartment, which is likely to be in an historical building, which has original floors and many details which tell its history, like the wrought iron columns, the old plasters, the double shutters. I love any single detail around this house, I adore the glass Liberty doors which allows you to see over the other rooms... and what rooms! Every home tells a story, it tells about the people living it, their habits, their tastes, it tells if people do care about details or not.... this apartment which has been decorated as a masterpiece, tell me of journeys and desired coming backs, it tells me of encounters and slow time... yes, I would adore living in such a ppalce.. you?

shabby chic,
19 dicembre 2013
Tra chiacchiere, risate, Crumble e Rose!!!
E allora tutte al lavoro,
con Lieta a riempirci di nozioni sull' Euphorbia Spinosa, la Brunia Albiflora, le giuste proporzioni, l'armonia della composizione, la spugna che non s'ha da premer troppo!!!
Accanto a me Lelia, incontenibile BIONDA, una battuta dietro l'altra, irriverente e vera,
rido ancora, povera Lelia, una classe peggiore non deve averla mai avuta!
Poi sono arrivate le Rose, scelte con cura da Lieta una a una
e voilà, le nostre composizioni han cominciato a prender forma,
GRAZIE Mary, Eugenia, Dani e Lieta, GRAZIE a Lelia, Monica, e tutte le ragazze che han partecipato al workshop!

13 dicembre 2013

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